The inaudible project is a sound art project I started with Dane Harris, Felipe Von Dobschütz-da Silva, Felix Ruiter and Joris van Suijdam. Inspired by MUTED we are searching for the strengths of sound and music on lower volumes. Working inside this new dimension many new, forgotten or unfamiliar listening experiences emerge. To present an example of such work you can listen to this piece I composed. It is part of the composition ‘Entities’ which we, as inaudible, worked on during our residency at Old School Amsterdam. Remember to turn the volume down!
An immersive audiovisual experience focussing on the boundaries of sensory endurance. Together with visual artist Eva Verhoef we worked to create an experience in which the visitor is confronted with the limits of their senses. Sound and vision combine into an immersive work which is on the verge of overstimulation. In this collaboration I provided the sound design.
As an algoraver I tend to search for the interesting combination between systematic, random and human sonic constructions. The performed music is often a combination of popular dance music, experimental art and strange sonic progressions. My goal is to create an energetic sound which is also very interesting to listen to.
A composition written for the Wavefield Synthesis system of Game of Life. Working on this project I had a great time composing on such an immersive futuristic sound system. The almost perfect spatialization gives a whole new dimension to the way sound is perceived. As such I was inspired to create a piece of music consisting of multiple consecutive short stories. In this way I try to create a game or movie like experience in which the listener becomes part of the world in which the composition resides, as the story that unfolds surrounds them.
A surround sound composition for eight speakers. The composition follows the story of a rogue artificial intelligence acquiring a body. It starts with simple functions being executed in parallel. We can decode it, but does not seem like an actual thought yet. After a while the functions evolve into patterns, which in turn evolve into something that resembles our own way of thinking to such an extend, that it becomes hard to tell the difference.
In my spare time I love to improvise with analog and modular synthesizers. This session was recorded in the analog studio at the HKU.
© Copyrights - Harold Groenenboom. All Rights Reserved. Design - Silvester Bertels